Connecting beyond Melbourne

In our Strategic Plan 2023-2028 we recognise that PLHIV in regional and remote areas do not have the same opportunities for support and connection as those in metropolitan Melbourne. Victoria’s geographic spread is vast and it can be difficult to meet the needs of those located far from the city centres and clinics.

Harnessing our learnings from the lockdowns of COVID-19, we are placing strategic focus on creating ways for PLHIV in regional
and remote areas to connect with us via digital means. This also facilitates opportunities for those in our community who are not
comfortable with face-to-face engagement and allows for personal flexibility.

Our recent collaboration with online gamer Jordan, aka SkellyBear18, through an online fundraising initiative reinforces the importance of providing accessible programs and services to folks living beyond metropolitan Melbourne. Jordan, who lives in Victoria’s Gippsland region, knew nothing about HIV when diagnosed as an 18 year old.

Living in country Victoria, Jordan felt isolated and scared until he began researching HIV to educate himself to find answers to the many questions that needed answers. The biggest question was ‘why me?’

This journey of learning about HIV and slowly connecting with community helped reduce those feelings of isolation, loneliness and fear.

One of the reasons Jordan wanted to raise funds for LPV was to raise awareness of the programs and services offered for folks like him, particularly for younger positive people living in regional Victoria.  And for Jordan, there was no better forum for his fundraiser than his online gaming community.

This led to the discovery of LPV and the programs and services offered for folks like him. Connecting with LPV has meant a reduction in that feeling of isolation, loneliness and fear. Forming connections has allowed Jordan to view living in regional Victoria from a better space. He has connected with other HIV+ locals and he has begun the journey of disclosure.

Jordan’s advice to other poz folk in country Victoria is that “You are not alone. There is a big, open diverse community awaiting you so that you don’t have to face your diagnosis alone. Stress less – you’re going to be ok.”

Listen to Jordan’s podcast chat with LPV’s Programs Manager, Jen Johnson.

If you have a story of living with HIV in regional Victoria that you’d like to share, please contact Brenton at and we’ll help you bring your story to life so that it can help others to find support and connection.

For ways to connect with LPV get to know our website.