Taking Charge (50+)

The Taking Charge Support Network Meets Every Two Months

It is partly social and partly educational. It’s safe and confidential. Utilising an empowerment model, it builds your resilience and health literacy so it can help you engage with health and aged care providers.

It also improves self-advocacy, develops skills to disclose HIV status, deal with stigma and discrimination, and builds peer networks. Our group meetings are peer led, ensuring that they meet the group’s needs. Topics include improving treatments understanding, managing medication for multiple health conditions, legal matters, Advanced Care planning, nutrition, exercise, cognitive health and computer literacy.

The HIV & Ageing Project trains volunteer peer facilitators to enhance peer-led capacity as well as the sustainability of support networks.

If you want to be placed on our notification list so you can be kept up to date about the next gathering contact Vic Perri on 03 98638733 or vperri@lpv.org.au