Sharing your HIV status

Sharing your HIV status, or HIV disclosure, happens when you tell someone about your HIV for the first time. For people with HIV, telling someone about their HIV diagnosis can be a major event. It is also something that people with HIV need to make decisions about for the rest of their lives in many situations.   

Sometimes you can plan how you will share your HIV story, and other times it is an act of pure improvisation. We always hope for a reaction that is accepting and understanding but sometimes the reaction to our HIV disclosure can be devastating. 

Disclosing your HIV status is often difficult, whether it’s to a sexual partner, a friend, family member, employer or anyone else we decide to tell. Even though medical treatment for HIV has advanced to a point where HIV has become a manageable condition for most people, the stigma surrounding HIV is still felt by many and can fill us with anxiety.  

Here are some useful resources that can help with sharing your story: 

HIV Disclosure Guide

For comprehensive information and to help you when sharing your HIV story in various situations such as Employment, Sex & Relationships, Travel, Medical & Dental Care and many others, check out our disclosure guide…    

A Guide to Disclosing your HIV Status 

The Disclosure Project  

Would you like to hear people from a diverse range of backgrounds talk about their experiences in sharing their HIV story?  

The Disclosure Project is a fascinating and insightful collection of written stories and videos from people from all walks of life. While they are different, they have one thing in common. They all have HIV.  

Visit the website now – Disclosure Project 

Living Positive Victoria workshops  

Our workshops offer a safe and confidential space where you can share your HIV story and listen to others.  

See all upcoming workshops here.