Caring for older People with HIV
Do you have a client with HIV and wish to know how best to care for them?
You can increase your knowledge about what matters most to older people with HIV in aged care. Even if you don’t have a client or don’t know you have a client with HIV, arm yourself so you are ready. Over 50% of people with HIV are aged 50 and up and as more people with HIV age with relatively good health and their HIV controlled, this will only increase in the coming years.
Hear from a panel of HIV specialists such as a hospital clinician, nurse, community support worker, aged care advocate and an older person with HIV who accesses home based care. They discuss a hypothetical case, where ‘Jimmy’ an older person living with HIV is accessing aged care and they come up with strategies to the issues that can come up in the care he will be receiving. Learn about HIV transmission, HIV treatments, the lived experience of living with HIV and much more.
This is about older people with HIV and their right to receive optimal care.
This panel is a partnership between Living Positive Victoria, Thorne Harbour Health and Elder Rights Advocacy.
For more information, please contact:
Vic Perri –, Living Positive Victoria –
Gerry Obrien –, Thorne Harbour Health –
Elder Rights Advocacy –, 1800 700 600