Let Them Know: An HIV Disclosure Workshop

A workshop about discussing your HIV status with potential romantic and sexual partners, family, and friends.

“I need to tell you something…”
“I’d like you to know that I’m…”

Sound familiar? Are you preparing to have this conversation again? For the first time? Perhaps with a friend, sex partner or family member? Sharing your status (also known as disclosure) can be done well. We need to take into account our own style, needs and preferences when it comes to this important conversation.

This workshop is open to all people living with HIV and is facilitated by our Peer Navigator team.

In this three-hour workshop we will:

  • Learn from each other when it comes to sharing our status in different settings
  • Explore the benefits of sharing and not sharing, and the issues that might arise
  • Consider settings where it may be necessary to share your status according to the law
  • Meet people who have successfully shared their status with their friends, family, and loved ones as well as romantic or sexual partners

For more information, email Ecanita@lpv.org.au