Frank Shinnick
Born 14.7.31 - Died 3.2.96
Thumping the Board Table to Get Results!
Frank Shinnick was a tenacious fighter for positive people during his years as the representative for People Living with HIV/AIDS Victoria on the VAC/GMHC Board between 1991 and 1993. Using his skills learnt as a former company director, Frank was not averse to thumping the table and demanding a better deal for resources for PLWHA. His efforts were usually successful and in his time on the committee of PLWHA Victoria he helped the organisation grow in size and stature to be the primary advocacy organisation for positive people in this state.
Frank was also very involved in the work of the Positive Living Centre, the Alfred Hospital HIV Care committee and the Catholic AIDS Ministry. His amiable and gentle nature (except when roused at a Board meeting!) made him a popular and much loved figure in the HIV community.
Vale, Frank Shinnick! We miss you, mate.
Photo courtesy of Maurice Shinnick